Monday, July 25, 2011

Crissa Reads

City Chic: The Modern Girl's Guide to Living Large on Less
By Nina Willdorf

This book is soo cute! I'm knee deep in the Home decor portion of the book & I'm already looking around my apartment for how to optimize space & make it beautiful!

So far I've already learned what colors are best for which rooms, that sometimes one fabulously painted accent wall is best, and all about lighting & ambience for less!

Definitely looking forward to reading the rest of book which covers topics like: toning down your fitness budget, entertaining for less, style staples & shop n' save!

If you're an undergrad living within four concrete walls with a bunkbed.. ahem dormroom.. or a recent grad making a major move into the city with a small budget, or just a glam single diva ready to strike out on her own! This book is absolutely for you!!


Saturday, July 9, 2011

Ok.. I'm obsessed with 4!

Beyonce is just doing it for me this whole album OMG!!! I went to her VEVO channel originally to watch the Best Thing I Never Had video! Yes it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL.. & so eerie since I've been like all about the wedding shows that come on TLC & WEtv lately LOL! But after watching the video.. in true YouTube fashion.. related videos pop up at the end & that's when I saw Year of 4! I knew I just had to watch especially when I read in the description that it's a documentary style video! Well ya'll... I LOVED IT!! I get so happy and excited via other people's experiences all the time!! And this video was so inspiring! I do not wish to be famous or any kind of superstar, but I do wish to be in total control of my life and LIVE it the way that I want to.. experience the world around me... I wish to OPEN MY EYES.. just as Bey says in this video! Anywho.. enough blab! Below is both videos... BEST THING I NEVER HAD + YEAR OF 4! Hope you guys enjoy as much as I did! :)

After watching this next video.. how could you not be inspired or moved to do.. ANYTHING?!!


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My Current Fav Summer Trends

1. Maxi Dresses

 2.Loud in your face colors!

3. Any Fun DIY Style

 4. Ethnic, Tribal, Animal, Floral... PRINTS!!

5. Bright Bold Colored Lips


Stacy Dash x Runway Magazine

Okay just admit it.. We are all on a Stacy Dash high right now! I've loved her since Clueless.. my fav movie of all time! LOL! And her new hit show 'Single Ladies' is also one of my favs right now! It's too funny... also highly unrealistic in my opinion.. but WHO CARES.. I'm enjoying it & all it's guest cameo appearances! Now Ms.Dash is being featured in Runway Magazine!

This lady just does NOT age! SO UNFAIR!!! LOL! :)


Beyonce x Vogue Italia July 2011

The full length furs & shimmery gowns, combined with the black + white is so classic... old Hollywood glamour!!! I looove it!

I'd love to have these last two blown up & framed for my walls in my room! Lovely!!


Source: theYBF