I figured it's about time that I talk to you guys instead of overloading you with pictures of fashion .. celebs & videos.. & other randomness that is me!!
First and foremost, I just want to THANK YOU guys for even reading my blog.. whether you typed in the address or clicked some links that led you here! Either way.. you're giving me a little bit of your time && letting me share a small slice of my life with you! [ buuut that's another post ] LOL!
THIS post is about a new [ C H A L L E N G E ) that I'm on && I'm inviting all of you to take this journey with me! From today til... well.. just until! *giggles* I will be on a journey towards a HEALTHIER ME!!! I'm starting off with a few changes that I know I personally need to take....
1. W A T E R
I'm making a commitment to drink nothing but water from now on! NO EXCEPTIONS!!
Water is the miracle drug! It will not only help you slim up.. but it will help improve your skin & hair as well.. which brings me to our next step...
2. H A I R
I'm relaxed so.. I will only relax my hair every 8 - 10 weeks.. also I will only put heat on my hair once a month.. if at all! Longer healthier hair is my mission!
3. S K I N
I have very sensitive skin.. & it can be oily.. which I really hate! However.. that's what going to keep me looking younger longer soo I won't hate it too much lol! I'll just learn to nurture it! That means washing twice daily & moisturizing! Also exfoliating every 2 - 3 days! This is where drinking water will help the most!
4. D I E T
Finally I will be ELIMINATING pork & beef from my diet!! Only turkey, chicken & fish from now on! That'll be the hardest part! I LOVE bacon! LOL! But it must be done!
So this is my new journey in life.. & of course I'm going to share it with you guys!! I'm challenging you all to take whatever steps you think necessary to become the healthiest versions of YOU!!